Azure Road’s Transparency Mission

Transparency is paramount. Azure Road builds reader trust and reduces decision-making friction by addressing the problem of greenwashing in consumer news and resources. Magazine subjects, both editorial and partners, are vetted to meet a minimum of 3 North Star values which are modeled off the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals. North Stars include waste management, water management, heritage value, community support, and carbon footprint, to name a few. The North Stars are denoted by relevant icons, allowing readers to search for content and recommendations based on their personal values.

Our North Stars

Equal Opportunities for all identities, abilities and orientations
Dollars predominantly benefit communities
Supports female-driven businesses, projects, and collectives
Cultural and historical places, artifacts, and activities are
preserved, not eroded
Reduces usage and/or focuses on renewables
Recycles, upcycles, reduces, and reuses
Recycles and reduces
Measures, reduces and offsets usage
Responsible food and agriculture practices
Supports conservation of native habitats, land and marine life
Active sustainability credentials
(B Corp, LEED, SOStain, etc.)
Climate Actions
Pledges and/or action plans in place
Diversity & Inclusion Equal opportunities for all identities, abilities, and orientations
Community Support Dollars predominantly benefit communities
Gender Equality Supports female-driven businesses, projects, and collectives
Heritage Value Cultural and historical places, artifacts, and activities are preserved, not eroded
Energy Efficiency Reduces usage and/or focuses on renewables
Waste Management Recycles, upcycles, reduces, and reuses
Water Management Recycles and reduces
Carbon Footprint Measures, reduces and offsets usage
Production & Consumption Responsible food and agriculture practices
Wildlife & Ecosystems Supports conservation of native habitats, land and marine life
Certifications Active sustainability credentials (B Corp, LEED, SOStain, etc.)